Request for redress protest 10 decision

4 mars 2017, 22:22:09

Protest number: 10 Date: 04 March 2017

Time: 21:15

Requesting Redress: Race Officer course B
Considered for redress: All boats in bareboat classes 1, 2, and 3

Witnesses : none
Facts found:

RC posted course #5, start, mark x2, 25, 26,Heineken finish. All marks rounded to starboard.

Mark 26 was missing.
Some boats rounded the GPS position of mark 26

then sailed to the Heineken finish.
Some boats went towards the position of where mark

26 should have been but changed course and sailedto the Heineken finish before reaching the GPSmark position.

Other boats changed course after reaching the GPS

position and sailed further before sailing towards

the Heineken finish.
One boat retired from the race.

Mark 26 was set after the majority of boats hadfinished the race in all three classes affected.

Some boats rounded mark 26 after it was set andfinished at the Heineken finish.

The RC recorded the finish times for all boats that

crossed the Heineken finish line and scored the

races according to the timings.
There were no records of mark rounding positions or

The RC did not abandon the race.


The RC made an error in not setting mark 26 in timethat affected all bareboat classes.

The RC made an error in not abandoning the races.
All competitors in the three classes were affected by

the error in different ways.
Under RRS 32.1(c)&(d), the jury considered, in

addition, the consequences for all boats in the race

or series
Decision: Race #2 is abandoned for bareboat classes 1,2, and 3

Jury: Margriet Pannevis (chair) IJ NED, Nelson Ilha IJBRA, Sergy Kuzovov IJ RUS, David Devries IJ AHO,Steve Schupak NJ USA, Alexis Duvernoy NJ FRA,Michael Green NJ LCA